
Visit of the League of Arab States

© DAAD Cairo Office

Mrs. Samia Bibars, Director of Inter Civilization Dialogue Department, welcomed the group and held a short presentation about this regional organization which was founded in 1945 to increase the collaboration of the 22 member states regarding economics, communication, culture, nationality, social welfare and health by supporting their common interests.

. She explained that the organization follows its charter, which established the headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo and created a General Secretariat as well as rules like biannual meetings, councils consisting of all heads of states, sub-councils and voting rules, among others.

Time for questions at the end of the presentations proved again the high interest of German students of political, social and cultural topics of Egypt and underlined their substantial knowledge in these fields.

A tour through the headquarters, which was built by Egyptian Architect Mahmoud Riad in 1955, offered impressing insights into the large convention hall, meeting rooms, a wood-paneled library and a beautiful courtyard. It perfectly rounded up a successful overview of the activities and the location of the League of Arab States in Cairo.

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