German Days of Science – Science Lecture Sudan

PhD candidates and PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, professors, university staff on the administrative and junior level, as well as coordinator of international programmes and research projects are kindly invited to join us on
December 18, 2017
in the Faculty of Engineering
at the University of Khartoum
December 19, 2017
in the International Conference Hall
at Alzaiem Alazhari University
The programme begins at 10 AM and will provide information on: international cooperation programmes, accounts of exchange experience between German and Sudanese research institutions and universities, a panel discussion on the potential of binational cooperation projects, as well as presentations on the DAAD programmes and the German research landscape and research institutions. Information material of the DAAD will be available throughout the day.
Participants are kindly invited to join for the light lunch buffet at 1 PM.
Please register your attendance here: