Online Study Information Day 2020

Like almost every other event in 2020, the traditional Study Information Day had to be transferred to the online sphere. The 14th event of its kind came therefore in the form of a new, adapted concept: two half days taking place in the late afternoon – and of course completely virtually via an online platform. 300 students from schools all over Egypt who are fluent in German took the chance and registered for the event. Each day was divided into two parts, a general introduction session by the DAAD Regional Office Cairo followed by several specialized slots.
Since 2006, the DAAD Regional Office Cairo organizes the Study Information Day with representatives from Germany and Egypt attending on-ground at the premises of the Deutsche Evangelische Oberschule (DEO). This years’ online event made it possible for 24 higher education institutions and organisations from Germany and Egypt to attend. But not only the participating institutions benefited from the online setting. It was also easier for students from outside Greater Cairo to take part in the event. As usual, the German schools based in Cairo (Deutsche Evangelische Oberschule DEO, Deutsche Schule der Borromäerinnen Kairo DSBK, Europa-Schule Kairo ESK), in Alexandria (Deutsche Schule der Borromäerinnen Alexandria DSBA) and in Hurghada (Deutsche Schule Hurghada) sent their students virtually to the event. Furthermore, schools from the PASCH initiative (“Schools: Partners for the Future”) with a focus on German language were able to participate, e.g., from Rehab or Sharm El Sheikh.
In the introduction session on the first day, the cornerstone for the following hours and days was established: the DAAD Cairo team gave an insightful presentation about “Study in Germany” with helpful information about the German higher education system, different study programmes, how to prepare a stay in Germany and financial aspects. The second part of the event included the presentation of the different institutions. Beforehand, the students had the chance to choose from up to five different slots. Each slot included three 30 minutes presentations from different institutions. During the presentations, the students directly got in contact with the representatives, asking questions and exchange experiences.
On the second day, the students were confronted with their own future plans, expectations, dreams and wishes. The DAAD Kairo Akademie (DKA) trainer Ms. Sonia Drewes delivered an online training about how to find the right study programme. Ms. Sonia Drewes took the students on a reflective journey about strengths and weaknesses and how to listen to your own gut feeling instead of expectations of family and society. After that, the students once again spread among the different presentation slots, given by another selection of representations of the participating institutions.
The following institutions were participating in the Online Study Information Day 2020:
Technical Universities
Technische Universität Berlin |
Technische Universität Darmstadt |
Technische Universität Ilmenau |
Technische Universität München |
Universities of Applied Sciences
Scholarship Providers
BayBIDS – Bayerische Betreuungsinitiative Deutsche Auslands- und Partnerschulen | |
SFSD – Sawiris Foundation for Social Development |
Author: Ann-Kathrin Schwarz