Meta-Conference SustaMENAbility

Launched in 2017, the COSIMENA (Clusters of Scientific Innovation in the Middle East and North Africa) project aims to discuss global and regional challenges through an “interdisciplinary and intercultural” format, creating a stimulating environment factoring “Innovativeness” as well as cooperation and scientific exchange.
The second edition of COSIMENA’s Meta-Conference specifically sought to explore and evaluate how the agriculture and energy sectors combined with economic factors are mutually dependent and how an interdisciplinary approach can help finding holistic solutions.
As a result, the speakers and participants coming from various backgrounds including the field of economy, energy and agriculture actively engaged in fruitful discussions centred around the important concept of sustainability. The conference created a favourable environment for networking and exchanging ideas. All participants energetically interacted between each other, exchanging contacts and advices.
For more information on the Agriculture Cluster Conference find the detailed report and programme here:
Meta-Conference SustaMENAbility – Long Report [PDF, 187.53kb]
Meta-Conference SustaMENAbility – Programme [PDF, 181.66kb]