
How to Participate

At the DKA, individuals can apply to attend one of our modules. If you are a representative of an academic of research institution, you can also host one of our events in your venue. The following guideline might help you to successfully submit your application.

1. For Individuals:

  • Repeated participation in the same module is not possible. The participation in other modules is however highly encouraged
  • Candidates should be scientists, academics or admin staff working at a governmental or private university or research institute in Egypt (or affiliated to these institutions) as well as admin staff of ministries
  • Undergraduates can be accepted exceptionally after referring to the DKA Coordinator
  • Candidates should have a very good command of the English language
  • Each candidate may participate in 4 different modules annually
  • Identical motivations will be disqualified

  • Please note the following information with regards to the registration form:
    • Institution: e.g.: University, faculty, research center
    • Special field: Discipline of studies
    • I have received a DAAD scholarship before: As DAAD scholarships are considered among others: GERF, GERLS, GERSS, GESP, WE, WAP. Not considered as a DAAD scholarship is the attendance of a DKA Module
    • Motivation letter: Please elaborate on your motivation to participate in the specific module you are applying for. Outline the specific benefits you would gain from participating and how you could use them in the future
    • Vision of research: Please elaborate on your field of studies, your specific interest in it, and the value added of your approach to the subject
    • CV: Do not forget to upload your CV. Accepted format is PDF
    • Completely fill in the registration form, incomplete forms will not be submitted
    • Deadline is usually two weeks before the Module is being held, for specific dates check the call

  • The selection procedure starts only after closing the call for applications
  • Within one week applications are reviewed
  • All candidates are informed via email about the status of their application not earlier than one week before the Module
  • Candidates can be accepted, rejected or placed on a reserve list
  • Do NOT call or write DAAD staff to check on the status of your application. The information is sent to you as soon as it is determined

Candidates should be scientists, academics or admin staff working at a governmental or private university or research institute in Egypt (or affiliated to these institutions) as well as admin staff of ministries. Typical candidates are those either working in an international environment or who possibly will work with international scientists in the future. Undergraduates can be accepted exceptionally after referring to the DKA Coordinator.

  • Maximum number of accepted candidates is 25 and 5 candidates can be placed on the waiting list.
  • Candidates should write a convincing motivation letter. Please refer to the points in the respective application form of the module.
  • Candidates should meet the target group required for the module (Master, PhD holder or Post Doc.)

  • Successful applicants participate in a one-day module receiving intensive training in the selected subject
  • Modules are held by professional trainers
  • Participants obtain a certificate. Due to the strict terms of the DKA, certificates will not be handed out to people arriving delayed
  • After 10 am access to the module will be denied
  • Light lunch will be provided

2. For hosting a module of the DAAD Kairo Akademie at your university or research institute

The DAAD Kairo Akademie (DKA) offers to organize modules at universities and research institutions all over Egypt in order to reach out with its mission to strengthen Egyptian students and researchers in international competition.

For further Information please contact:

Mohamed Fathy
DKA Programme Administrator
DAAD Cairo Office
11 El Saleh Ayoub St.
Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
Tel: 202  27384127
Fax: 202  27384136

Please note that the contact must be established between an official representative of the university/research institution and the DAAD. Requests by students cannot be considered.

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Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked